34 comments on “Məşqlərə davam

  1. Featuring jetpacks, giant colony ships and horrifically mutated dinosaurs, the game was yet another departure from its predecessors as it leaned into its sci-fi elements. Putting players in the shoes of yet another special-ops team tasked with investigating a technological disturbance, the game saw players zooming around a transforming space-station while facing off against genetically engineered abominations with futuristic weapons. Here’s what happens now. When the game is over (i.e., when you hit an object), Runner.prototype.gameOver() is called and the action is triggered. In this case, you’ll hear a sound, the game stops, and a Game Over message appears. That’s without our code. Here’s what happens now. When the game is over (i.e., when you hit an object), Runner.prototype.gameOver() is called and the action is triggered. In this case, you’ll hear a sound, the game stops, and a Game Over message appears. That’s without our code.
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